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Current Picture Of 498 A

Law was always been made to help people to come out of the difficult time. It was made by keeping in mind that if grave injustice is being done to anyone then he/she can take support of law. But as we see now, law is misused more than it is being used. In earlier times cruelty was done on women which included mental cruelty as well as physical cruelty especially in village areas so to stop that torture few laws were made in favour of women for women empowerment like 498 A. Under 498 A IPC if any type of cruelty whether physical or mental cruelty is done to women then she can file a cse against that person/those persons.

If it were true then the accused gets punishment by court. With this cruelty towards women reduced to a great extent but with time it changed into cruelty on men. Women started using 498 A as a weapon to attack on her husband and in laws. If we look at the real picture of 498 A today then we will come to know that 90% of the cases are fake filed by wife just to harass the husband and her in laws or to extort money from them. As a result of which those 10% cases which are actually true lags behind. They are not able to get justice just because the no. of false cases changes the perspective of judges towards it. They look upon the true case as if it has also been filed to take some sort of revenge or to extort money.

It is not the fault of judges also, it is actually the fault of the greed which inculcates in the heart of women and they decide to ruin their own house and file false cases. Because of these people truly suffering women don’t get justice or justice is too delayed for them. Finally a stage has been reached that 498 A is not at all considered to be a matter of grave importance or strict punishment should be given. It has been taken for granted as it has become very common.

Courts do not take it too seriously and bail is also easily given in 498 A. Judges know about the same story which is written by all these women that they used to beat her, ask for dowry, etc. In the end what happens in these false cases wife fails to prove any of her fabricated points, naturally as every one knows proof will be there if there is any truth and court works on proofs, what all proofs do you have to support your petition, court sees that, and if one fails to show the proof then the case turns against him/her.

Many people have the misconception that law is in favour of women but it is not so. Many laws were made to give relief to women but if it gets misused then court uses its intellectual power to decide. It is easy initially for women to unnecessarily involve others in false cases but she can’t win the case without actual proof of wrong done to her. Today men need to be aware of these facts as it will be much easier for them to go through it.

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