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निष्काम कर्म सर्वोच्च राष्ट्र

देश के निर्माण के लिए वर्तमान को चारित्रिक जीवन की सीख देने की सबसे अधिक आवश्यकता है और कथनी के भ्रष्ट कागजी माध्यम को छोड देने सर्वाधिक जरूरत है। हमारे देश में गरीबी का प्रमुख कारण शिक्षा में कागजी माध्यम और कागजी कार्य प्रणाली का होना है। देश में कथनी का पाठ्य कार्यक्रम का जारी रहना विचारहींनता और कि कर्तव्य

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जीवन का नयापन

शिक्षा धनोपार्जन और बाजारीकरण के बिना हर नये जीवन में शिक्षा को बोना जरूरी है। लगभग एक शताब्दी के विलम्ब के बाद यथास्थितियों में जीना दुभाग्यपूर्ण है। हमारा जीना गरीबी और शोषण से मुक्त होना चाहिए। हमें जीवन का सत्य प्राप्त कर जीवन मूल्यों को अपने जीवन में पिरोना चाहिए ना कि कागजोें से जुडकर कागजों की भांति वजनहींन और

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How To Reduce Maintenance ?

In a matrimonial dispute first and foremost step taken by wife is maintenance case. She files a case under Sec 125 CrPC for maintenance of her and children if any. No matter if she herself is well educated and is earning a good sum of money. In most of the cases she files cases just to harass the husband and

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How To Get Quick Divorce

“Marriages are made in heaven.” It is a very famous saying but now a days the meaning of marriage has been totally changed. Now the couple getting married cannot even tolerate each other more than few months. The heavenly nature of the marriage lasts only for few months or for few days in some cases. According to Hindu Marriage Act,

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How To Get Child Custody

Couples get married, have children by God’s grace and then they get separated because of differences between them. Many disputes arise between them and in their dispute mother takes the child away from father. If we look at this in all these disputes the major loss is of the child. The child needs the love of both the mother and

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Important Mistakes In Divorce

In any matrimonial dispute when it leads to ending the relationship, then the couple go towards divorce. Divorce can be taken in two ways: Contested Divorce Mutual Divorce  Contested Divorce : When one party either husband or wife is not ready to give divorce and the other party wants divorce then the husband or wife seeking for divorce will have

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Court’s view on maintenance

Matrimonial disputes have become so common in today’s time that everywhere we see there is a dispute in almost every second house. Few houses are there in which there is a dispute going on as per according to the no. of marriages in that house. No. of disputes is equal to the no. of marriages. By looking at this scenario

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False Case Of 376 IPC

If we look at today’s scenario we will observe things to have been changed so much. During earlier time if a person commits the heinous crime of rape to any woman then he was almost boycotted from the society. At that time having relationships, being in affairs, having girlfriend or boyfriend was not so common as it is now. Similarly

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Current Picture Of 498 A

Law was always been made to help people to come out of the difficult time. It was made by keeping in mind that if grave injustice is being done to anyone then he/she can take support of law. But as we see now, law is misused more than it is being used. In earlier times cruelty was done on women

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What Is P.I.L ?

P.I.L stands for public interest litigation. By its name it suggests that it is something in the interest of general public. If anything goes wrong whatsoever may be  the reason behind it, but public at large is being affected by its happening then anyone can file a P.I.L to bring that matter into focus and accordingly court decides in the

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